Saturday, May 25, 2013

What If?

He saved my life.
Then he sent flowers.
Visited my hospital room.
But I can't talk to him.
I said he triggered horrific flashbacks.
I might have lied.
For my fiancé?

Diva Challenge 118: Ebony and Ivory

This is it. My first Diva challenge. Ebony and Ivory, wherein I attempt to blur the line between writing with a black pen on white paper and a white pen on black paper. Successful or not, here it is....

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Monday, May 6, 2013


My entry for Mindful Creations Adventures in Monotangles 9

. I seem to have an easier time with white on black.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rick's Paradox

So named because you never draw a curved line and yet look at these curves! For Mindful Creations Adventures In Monotangles 2 I went out of the box and thus was a little late in entering.

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