Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dipping My Toe In Further

I expect I should write more than just Trifecta challenges here. Sadly, no more New York minutes or photos of my late dog or even fancy and exciting designs. I cannot even figure out how to get a different template on here to have a sidebar of links and stuff. Totally pathetic how far my skills have collapsed. I will have to dig deep to find new sources of material. There are only so many "listen to the cute thing my kid did today" stories that people unrelated to me are willing to tolerate.

There is life in the suburbs to write about. Sadly, it is usually quite boring, and most things revolve around the difficulties of home ownership. Actually, much of that would entertain, especially my encounters with the local flora and fauna. And maybe the puppy will develop a personality worth mentioning. I could always dwell on my pain and my efforts to relieve it. How joyous would that be to read?

My life has undergone a sea change since last most of you heard from me. Snippets on Facebook don't really tell the story. I want more than that, I need it, and quite frankly I deserve it. The hard part is that I just want it for myself and those who understand what the personal blog is all about. It's a lost art, I think, overshadowed by celebloggers, paid posts, commercialization, and the ever decreasing ability to remain pseudo-nonymous. I am going to try to reclaim some of that, and share it with the few of you who will come by for old times' sake, and the perhaps more of you who follow Trifecta. Certainly stay tuned for that bit. It is a story that needs to be told.

Above all, if you have been invited to this space, I quite strongly exhort you to respect the anonymity I am trying to maintain here. It is all I have left that is just for me. Good night, good friends, good gracious.


  1. I do know what you mean. :) So much so that I played with the wayback machine and found old posts of mine at fullmoonwebs. Lawdie I wrote some bad poetry back then - do still at times, but I think I see a difference. Aging gracefully - hahha

    Welcome to your little space - do with it what you will. We'll be here - you'll be there - someday we'll get it together.

  2. I have lamented the loss of blogging as we knew it for some time now. I'm guilty of not taking the time to do it myself. Thing is, as time passes and I don't write anything, the harder it is to do, don't you think? Sad really.

    Ya, I feel old when I say "we used to do this... blahblogblog... when I was this n' that" Nobody cares anyway.

    It's pretty cool that you began to do this fkc... for yourself. It's good for your emotional health too. I started another blog for a different group, but same thing - was a good idea at the time, but I haven't kept up with it.

    I could go on forever, but actually going to do some work. Do you miss playing with web stuff? You have w-a-a-y more fun things to play with now! ("way more fun things"??!)

    Ok, outta here f-poo.

  3. Both of your posts made me smile. I feel at home on the interweb for the first time in a long while.

    Kitty, I miss it sometimes. Mostly I mourn the loss of my Bryce abilities and all the fun filters. But yeah, the kid and the husband and now the dog, things are just different. I also cannot sit in a desk chair for long, and it is very hard to make precise graphics from bed. Lord knows I have tried!
